Friday 12 June 2015

The Flash S01E20 Review: Reverse Traps and Revelations

The Flash, Season 1, Episode 20: The Trap

A bit of a shorter and less recappy review for this episode because I’ve reviewed it in my capsule review for the Flash finale, and it’s been like a month since this episode actually came out. I’m still going to review it though because I like reviewing these things. I’ve caught up with Agents of SHIELD’s finale (really strong) and Arrow’s finale (a bit meh to be honest) and in the next few weeks I’ll review each individual episode.

And episode 20 of the Flash is a really strong episode! It is easily one of the strongest episodes in this season. The entire season has been about this little conflict between Barry and Harrison, this little dance the two of them has, and everything comes to head in this episode. Barry finds out who Harrison is at the end of the last episode and at the beginning of this episode – with the added twist of seeing that newspaper! Not only do they see the whole ‘the Flash disappears in a crisis’ thing, they also see the whole ‘written by Iris West-Allen’ thing which is what they’re freaking out about because shipping. Freeze-framing the newspaper also delivers some interesting tidbits. We’ve got the Wayne-Queen merger, again showing that despite Superman and Batman not being part of the CW universe (yet) they’re not shy of dropping hints that it will happen. And apparently the big battle with Flash and Reverse-Flash will involve Green Arrow (not just the Arrow), the Atom and Hawkgirl, the latter two who’s going to appear in Legends of Tomorrow.

Gideon also notes that Flash is the founding member of, well, something. A nice little nod to a little known fact – during the Justice League’s very first appearance as a team in the comics, Barry Allen, the Flash, was the leader of the team, not Superman. Also Cisco likes the “traditional” Flash costume and after a brief note about time travel idea loops, decides to implement the white background and the brighter red in the future. You go, Cisco.

Also, apparently Gideon will obey any order from Barry Allen without question because he built her! How interesting. I also do like the whole point where Cisco wants to hack Gideon, then realizes he can’t do shit to a computer that’s super-advanced like Gideon, a nice moment of realism – I do so hate how in science fiction any hacker can hack any kind of alien or futuristic computer. Doesn’t work like that, people!

And this entire episode is all about Team Barry trying to trap Eobard Thawne in that forcefield, but apparently despite all the close shaves with Eobard finding out their identity, it appears that Eobard has been playing them all along, and it has been a reverse-trap (hee hee, reverse) all throughout the episode, which was spectacularly done.

There’s a big running joke about Barry fretting about the whole West-Allen thing. We’ve got Captain Singh randomly talking about his upcoming wedding with his boyfriend in front of Barry – of course the fiance gets trapped in a burning building and Barry saves him – and Eddie wanting to propose to Iris and all that stuff. And by the end of the episode finally, finally Iris realizes that the Flash is, y’know, Barry. Because of this random flashback we see the first time in this episode of Iris getting a jolt of electricity from the comatose Barry a while back, and she gets a similar shock when she meets the Flash later in this episode. Yeeeah, not the most elegant identity-revealing scene. I much prefer the ‘I need to reveal my identity to you because I really really need to stop this tsunami’ scene from the splinter timeline.

Also insert an obligatory ‘it’s gross because they’re technically siblings in all but blood’ rant here.

I did like that scene where Iris was talking to a comatose Barry in the flashback, though. I think it’s the most where I’ve ever liked CW’s version of Iris Allen because she’s been a pretty poorly written character with a character arc that is all over the place. And part of the problem is how adamant Joe has been about shipping Iris and Barry, telling Iris’ fiance Eddie to basically fuck off because Iris is in love with Barry but she doesn’t know it yet… which makes jack shit sense.

But let’s not rant about Iris, and talk about how awesome Eobard Thawne is. All throughout the episode we’ve got Barry and company trying to enter Cisco’s subconscious with some sci-fi gizmo, and I do love the masterful scene where Cisco is just pissing his pants in terror at reliving his murder at the hands of Harrison Wells. No explanation yet to why Cisco can remember the splinter timeline when no one else can, but thankfully we actually do get one at the end of the season so it isn’t a convenient writing flub like I thought it was. It is handwaved away as ‘the important thing is that he does’, which felt like bad writing at the time, but it isn’t.

Also, Cisco and Barry are wearing science goggles that are pretty subtle shout-outs to Vibe and Captain Cold’s comic-book goggles, respectively.

And after this long sequence of Cisco playing as bait to re-enact the splinter timeline – and it’s awesome how the splinter timeline is retconned out but still has ramifications on the actual finale – we see that “Harrison Wells” is somehow immune to the anti-speedster forcefield, which I honestly thought was just another in a series of awesome powers that Eobard Thawne has. And we could lose Cisco for real in this episode, which would be a totally nice follow-up to the excellent, if heartbreaking, death scene Cisco had during the splinter timeline episode.

But no, Joe shoots “Harrison” to save Cisco, Barry tries to stop the bullets because he’s not thinking straight and still wants to save his father, and one of the bullets hits “Harrison”… and, again, it’s still completely believable that Harrison can easily shake off a bullet wound. But no, it’s freaking Everyman, Hannibal Bates, disguised as Harrison Wells, and Eobard phones in and mocks everybody for being idiots. They’ve been played, because Eobard has been watching everybody – remember how he’s installing cameras in one of the earlier episodes? And he’s been fooling all but the most observant of the viewers as well, because rewinding the episode shows that, yes, Hannibal-Harrison actually does adjust his glasses with his left hand, the giveaway that Hannibal had during his own episode.

Eobard Thawne? He’s freaking awesome. He’s just manipulating everyone. And I do love how we still have the ambiguity that Eobard-Harrison might have some… love or care or whatever emotion to Barry, Cisco and Caitlin, which adds a nice layer of complexity to the characters. He does do a nice little rant about how despite learning to be somewhat of a father and teacher figure to Barry Allen, he still hates (a version of) Barry for taking everything away from him in the timeline he arrived from, but he needs the Flash to return to his own timeline.. We do get a couple of nice flashbacks to when Harrison-Eobard first introduces himself to Joe West and he is pretty freaking creepy even then.

And he kidnaps Eddie while he’s proposing to Iris at the end of the episode, which adds another sense of ‘oh shit we’ve been played’ moment for the good guys. Eobard also confirms that Eddie is his ancestor, and then proceeds to talk shit about Eddie – Eobard’s master plan was never about Eddie despite their shared lineage, he is just ‘insurance’. Poor Eddie.

Eobard Thawne definitely wins at the end of the episode, proving himself as an elegant chessmaster even when the good guys think they are being one. Also a ridiculously hammy one, too, because as soon as Eobard drops the Harrison Wells act, he is pretty freaking hammy.

Overall, a pretty awesome episode that tears the status quo straight to the ground, and sets up the episodes leading up to the finale pretty awesomely. Still don’t care about the Iris drama, but all the good in this episode and indeed the series as a whole makes me tolerate the Iris bullshit. Really, not much I can say about this episode beyond 'HOLY SHIT WTFBBQ AWESOME'

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